write a python program that counts and returns the number of words in a given text

Given a Text or the string  as the input to the program you have to count the number of words in the text and return it using a python program.


write a python program that counts and returns the number of words in a given text


Write a python program that counts and returns the number of words in a given text

Let's ask a user to enter the string using input function call and store the  string into a variable named text.

text = input("Enter a String : ")

The user enters a string, splits the string and stores the list into a new variable text list. Use the string built in functions split to to convert the string to a list of words.

text_list = text.split()

Using the print function call print the length of new variable text list this will give us the  count of words present in the text


Full program

text = input("Enter a String : ")
text_list = text.split()
print("Count of Words in Text is :", len(text_list))


Enter a String : brown fox jumped from mountain
Count of Words in Text is : 5

The program can be modified to use for loop to get the count of number of words in a text using a counter

text = input("Enter a String : ")
text_list = text.split()

count = 0
for _ in text_list:
   count += 1

print("Count of Words in Text is : ", count)


Enter a String : how are you ?
Count of Words in Text is :  4

Write a python program that counts and returns the number of words in a given text file

You can modify the above program to accept a  text filename from the user and count the number of words in a text file and print it

filename = input("Enter a Filename : ")

readfd = open(filename, "r")
data = readfd.read()

text_list = data.split()

count = 0
for _ in text_list:
   count += 1

print("Count of Words in Text File is : ", count)

Input text file : sample.txt
the fox is hiding



Enter a Filename : sample.txt
Count of Words in Text File is :  4

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