Write a Python Program That Takes in a Line of Text as Input And Outputs That Line of Text in Reverse The Program Repeats Ending When The User Enters Done Done Or d For The Line of Text

Given a string containing a line of text the input to your program the program should print the string in reverse order.  Until d  or done is entered as a input text

The program should run infinitely until the user quits it by entering done.


Write a Python Program That Takes in a Line of Text as Input And Outputs That Line of Text in Reverse The Program Repeats Ending When The User Enters Done Done Or d For The Line of Text



Write a Python Program That Takes in a Line of Text as Input And Outputs That Line of Text in Reverse The Program Repeats Ending When The User Enters Done Done Or d For The Line of Text

Using the infinite while loop iterates the set of statements infinitely.  ask a user to enter a text, compare the text with “d” or “done”  if the text is “d” or “done”  then exit the program.  Take an else block and reverse the user entered string and print the text in reverse order.

while True:
   text = input("\nEnter a Text : ")
   if text.lower() == "done" or text.lower() == "d":
       print("Exiting the Program Bye !")
       print("Text in Reverse is ...")

To reverse a string use the string slicing technique that is [::-1],  which should be used to reverse the string in Python.


Complete Python Working Code using String Slicing Method

while True:
   text = input("\nEnter a Text : ")
   if text.lower() == "done" or text.lower() == "d":
       print("Exiting the Program Bye !")
       print("Text in Reverse is ...")

You can also use the for loop to reverse a string as shown below.  that is take each and every letter from the text and append it in the front of the empty string variable named data.  once the follow completes print the the variable named data

Python program to reverse a string using the for loop

while True:
   text = input("\nEnter a Text : ")
   if text.lower() == "done" or text.lower() == "d":
       print("Exiting the Program Bye !")
       print("Text in Reverse is ...")
       data = ""
       for item in text:
           data = item + data


Enter a Text : hello
Text in Reverse is ...

Enter a Text : this is the program
Text in Reverse is ...
margorp eht si siht

Enter a Text : python program
Text in Reverse is ...
margorp nohtyp

Enter a Text : done
Exiting the Program Bye !


Enter a Text : this is run number 2
Text in Reverse is ...
2 rebmun nur si siht

Enter a Text : d
Exiting the Program Bye !


Execute the program by yourself and provide the input text randomly to the Python program and not down the results.  use the string d or done to exit the program

Comment down below if you have any suggestions or queries.

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