Take a range from 1 to 100, find out the prime numbers between them. Once the prime numbers between 1 - 100 are found your task is to find the prime numbers that end with digit 7.
Let's use a python program to find the total of prime numbers ending with 7.
Prime Number is a number that has only two factors 1 and number itself. None of the other numbers can divide the number other than 1 and the number itself.
Sum All Prime Numbers Ending With 7 From 1 100 in Python
take a integer variable named as total and initialize it to 0, Take a for loop and iterate from the range of 2 to 101 Get the temporary index variable named as numerator.
Using another for loop iterate from 2 to numerator and Set the index as denominator try dividing the numerator with the denominator, check if numerator is completely divisible by the denominator if so break the for loop.
With the help of the else part of the for loop, in the else block take another if statement and check if the numerator is having the last digit as 7. try modulating the numerator with 10 and check if the last digit is 7 if so add the numerator to the total.
total = 0
for numerator in range(2, 101):
for denominator in range(2, numerator):
if numerator % denominator == 0:
if numerator % 10 == 7:
total += numerator
Upon completion of the both for loops, the total variable will contain the sum of prime numbers that end with 7. using the print statement print the total.
print("Sum of all Prime Numbers Ending with 7 is : ", end="")
Python code
total = 0
for numerator in range(2, 101):
for denominator in range(2, numerator):
if numerator % denominator == 0:
if numerator % 10 == 7:
total += numerator
print("Sum of all Prime Numbers Ending with 7 is : ", end="")
Sum of all Prime Numbers Ending with 7 is : 272
The problem statement might change to find the prime numbers that end with 6 are 8 or 9 whatever the number.
Change the value of 7 in the program accordingly, make sure you understand this code completely.
Comment down below if you have any suggestions to improve the above code.