write a program to find area of triangle

Area of a triangle is the product of base x height of the triangle.

Given the base and height of a triangle  as an input to the Python program we have to find the product of base and height and print the area of a triangle.


write a program to find area of triangle


Write a program to find area of triangle

Take two variables: base and height of triangle. Ask the user to enter the base and height of a triangle, Using input function call and convert it into a float.

base = float(input("Enter Base of Triangle : "))
height = float(input("Enter Height of Triangle : "))

Take another variable named area and try to find the product of base X height. Once the product of  base and height is found print the area of a triangle.

area = base * height

print("Area of Triangle is : %.2f" %area)

Final Program:

base = float(input("Enter Base of Triangle : "))
height = float(input("Enter Height of Triangle : "))

area = base * height

print("Area of Triangle is : %.2f" %area)


Enter Base of Triangle : 23
Enter Height of Triangle : 5.9
Area of Triangle is : 135.70

Conclusion:  Try to run the program and comment Down below if you have any queries or suggestions.

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