Write a Python Program to Compute GCD LCM of Two Numbers Using Functions

Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) or Highest Common Factor (HCF)  of two numbers is defined as the highest divisor that can divide both the given numbers completely.

For example, let's take two numbers 84 and 56.

The highest number that can divide both the given number is completely is  28

84 % 28 == 0
56 % 28 == 0

So GCD of two numbers is 28


Least Common Multiple (LCM) is defined as a number which is divisible by two or more given number

Again for LCM Lets take example two numbers 84 and 56.

168 % 84 == 0
168 % 56 == 0

So LCM of two numbers is :  168



Write a Python Program to Compute GCD LCM of Two Numbers Using Functions



Write a Python Program to Compute GCD LCM of Two Numbers Using Functions

Define a function named as find gcd and pass the two numbers that are a and b to the function as argument.  using the euclidean algorithm use while loop until b is not equals to zero,

Set the values of a as b and b value changes to a modulus b.  keep modulating the value of B until the value of b becomes zero and once the value becomes zero return the value of a as the gcd of a and b

def find_gcd(a, b):
   while b != 0:
       a, b = b, a % b
   return a

Define a function that is find_lcm and pass the two input arguments as numbers a and b,  take the max of two numbers that are a and b using the if statement.

Once we get the max of two numbers a and b, Use the infinite while loop and try to divide Max number with the A and B value,  using the modulus operation.  if you find a max number that can divide both A and B together at the same time you have found that LCM of a and b.  Else keep incrementing the max value  until you find the LCM.

def find_lcm(a, b):
   max = a if a > b else b
   while True:
       if max % a == 0 and max % b == 0:
           return max
       max += 1

Let's take two variables first and second and ask a user to enter the two numbers using input function call and then convert them to integers  using the type conversion int() function call.

first = int(input("Enter First Number : "))
second = int(input("Enter Second Number : "))

Using the print function call directly print the the user friendly message gcd of two numbers and LCM of two numbers and directly call the two functions find_lcm and find_gcd inside the print statement by passing first and second values to it as shown below

print("GCD of two numbers is : ", find_gcd(first, second))
print("LCM of two numbers is : ", find_lcm(first, second))

Complete Program

def find_lcm(a, b):
   max = a if a > b else b
   while True:
       if max % a == 0 and max % b == 0:
           return max
       max += 1

def find_gcd(a, b):
   while b != 0:
       a, b = b, a % b
   return a

first = int(input("Enter First Number : "))
second = int(input("Enter Second Number : "))
print("GCD of two numbers is : ", find_gcd(first, second))
print("LCM of two numbers is : ", find_lcm(first, second))


Enter First Number : 11
Enter Second Number : 22
GCD of two numbers is :  11
LCM of two numbers is :  22


Enter First Number : 84
Enter Second Number : 56
GCD of two numbers is :  28
LCM of two numbers is :  168


Enter First Number : 900
Enter Second Number : 99
GCD of two numbers is :  9
LCM of two numbers is :  9900


Try executing the above program by providing the random input values as a two numbers to the program note down the values

Comment down below if you have any suggestions to improve the above program

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