Write A Python Script To Check Whether A Given Number Is Positive Negative Or Zero

Given a number as an input to the Python program,  the python script should check whether a given integer number is positive, negative or zero.  Let's use a simple statement to  compare the number to check if it is positive, negative or zero.

This is a simple example for using  nested if else statements.



Write A Python Script To Check Whether A Given Number Is Positive Negative Or Zero



Write A Python Script To Check Whether A Given Number Is Positive Negative Or Zero

Let's take a variable named as number and ask the user to enter a number using input function call and  type convert it into an integer.

number = int(input("Enter a Number : "))

Use the  nested if statement to check if the number is greater than zero,  then print the number is positive using the print function call.

Use the else if block to check if the number is less than zero,  then print the number is negative using the print function call.

Finally use the else block to print the number is zero.

if number > 0:
   print(f"Number : {number} is Positive Number")
elif number < 0:
   print(f"Number : {number} is an Negative Number")
   print(f"Number : {number} is a Zero")

Complete Python program

number = int(input("Enter a Number : "))

if number > 0:
   print(f"Number : {number} is Positive Number")
elif number < 0:
   print(f"Number : {number} is an Negative Number")
   print(f"Number : {number} is a Zero")

Enter a Number : 34
Number : 34 is Positive Number

Enter a Number : -52
Number : -52 is an Negative Number

Enter a Number : 0
Number : 0 is a Zero

Execute the python script by passing the  input  number as an integer, Note down the results. You can also modify the type conversion to floating point number  and use the program to  check for floating point values.

For converting the program into a floating point program just modify the first line

number = int(input("Enter a Number : "))


number = float(input("Enter a Number : "))

Comment it down below if you have any queries related to above Python program

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