Given the values of X and Y as input to the Python program you have to generate a line plot using the matplotlib.pyplot module. display the graph having a line graph of name versus salary.
You have to pre install the matplotlib and numpy modules for this program to work.
To install both the libraries execute as shown below
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
Write a Python Program to Generate a Line Plot of Name vs Salary
Import the required module for this program to get executed, that is we require matplotlib.pyplot and numpy. Instead of using numpy we can also use a simple list, but to be complete I will be using numpy.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Let's use pyplot and set the title as "Line Graph : Name vs Salary", take a variable x and assign a numpy array that contains the list of employees as shown below. then set the xlabel as “Employee name” as x axis label
plt.title("Line Graph : Name vs Salary")
x = np.array(["Ajay", "Suresh", "Monica", "Rajesh"])
plt.xlabel("Employee Name")
Not take another variable named as y and take a numpy array containing the salary of his employee number of employees for taking random values as 4 as shown below. also label the y-axis as salary.
y = np.array([10000, 25000, 15000, 5000])
Now using the plot() function call plot x and y axis by providing x and y as input to plot() function. then use the show function call to display the line graph.
plt.plot(x, y)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
plt.title("Line Graph : Name vs Salary")
x = np.array(["Ajay", "Suresh", "Monica", "Rajesh"])
plt.xlabel("Employee Name")
y = np.array([10000, 25000, 15000, 5000])
plt.plot(x, y)
Output full screen
Output : Dialogue box
Change the values of X and Y Axes and execute the above Python program, comment down below if you have any suggestions to improve above Python program