Write A Python Script To Run Command Line

In this article let's learn how to write a python script to run an operating system command line. Given the operating system Linux or Windows operating system, Python can execute on both the operating system types,  let's use python script to execute the operating system  command line.


Write A Python Script To Run Command Line


Write A Python Script To Run Command Line

Let's import the required libraries to execute the operating system comment. We require the operating system (os) module present in the  python  library to execute the command.

import os

Take a new string variable named cmd,  ask the user to enter the command using the input function call.  take another variable named as op to store the result of the Executed command.  use the os.system function call  and provide the user entered combined as an input argument to the system function.

Once the command  gets executed use the print statement to print the result/  return code of the command.

cmd = input("Enter Command : ")
op = os.system(cmd)
print("Return Status is : ", op)

Python Code Works on Both Windows and LINUX operating System

import os

cmd = input("Enter Command : ")
op = os.system(cmd)
print("Return Status is : ", op)

Enter Command : ls -l
Return Status is :  1
'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Enter Command : dir
 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is CA91-5619

 Directory of C:\Users\Public\Projects\vlogs

22-01-2023  17:34    <DIR>          .
22-01-2023  17:34    <DIR>          ..
22-01-2023  17:30    <DIR>          .idea
07-01-2023  22:51             5,114 Iris.csv
22-01-2023  17:34               158 main.py
01-01-2023  22:38    <DIR>          venv
               2 File(s)          5,272 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  368,666,619,904 bytes free
Return Status is :  0

Execute the above python script both on Windows and LINUX operating systems,  provide the different set of commands and note down the results.

Comment it down below if you have any suggestions to improve the above python program .

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