Write A Python Script To Display The Sum And Reverse Of The Given Number

Hi in this article you will learn about a python script to calculate Two things  first is sum of digits of numbers and  next is to calculate the  reverse of a number.

I will be performing  modulus, addition and division  of the given number by 10 in order to get the last digit of the number and keep adding it to the sum and reverse variable.

Let's use the while loop to calculate the sum and reverse of a number.


Write A Python Script To Display The Sum And Reverse Of The Given Number



Write A Python Script To Display The Sum And Reverse Of The Given Number

Take a variable name number  and ask a user to enter a number using the input function call convert it into an integer. Take to more variables named as total and reverse,  total is used to store the sum of all the digits of a number,  reverse is used to store the reverse  of a number

number = int(input("Enter a Number : "))
total = 0
reverse = 0

Use the  while loop until the number becomes 0,  try to get the last digit of a number by modulating it with 10.

To find the sum of digits just at the last digit to the total
To find the reverse of the number multiply the reverse variable by 10 and add the last digit

Now take out the last digit from the number by performing that true division by 10

while number != 0:
   last_digit = number % 10

   total = total + last_digit
   reverse = reverse * 10 + last_digit

   number = number // 10

Use the print function call to print the sum of the digits of a number,  again use the print function called to bring the reverse of a number.

print("sum of digits of number is : ", total)
print("reverse of number is : ", reverse)

Complete Python Program

number = int(input("Enter a Number : "))
total = 0
reverse = 0

while number != 0:
   last_digit = number % 10

   total = total + last_digit
   reverse = reverse * 10 + last_digit

   number = number // 10

print("sum of digits of number is : ", total)
print("reverse of number is : ", reverse)

Output 1

Enter a Number : 13579
sum of digits of number is :  25
reverse of number is :  97531

Output 2

Enter a Number : 12345
sum of digits of number is :  15
reverse of number is :  54321

Output 3

Enter a Number : 99998
sum of digits of number is :  44
reverse of number is :  89999


The script users input function called to ask the user to enter the number. It will use a looping construct to iterate all the digits of a number. Also the script uses print function call to print the  some and reverse of a number to standard output

The above python script will use a while loop to iterate all the digits present in the number and perform Modulus Addition and Division (MAD) to get the sum and reverse of a number.

Execute the above python script by providing a random integer as the input to the Python program.  

Comment it down below if you have any queries regarding the above python script.

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