Write a Python Program to Define a Module And Import a Specific Function in That Module to Another Program

Hi Guys, welcome to my blog in this article you will learn about how to Write A Python Program To Define A Module And Import A Specific Function In That Module To Another Program


Title : 

Write A Python Program To Define A Module And Import A Specific Function In That Module To Another Program

Write A Python Program To Define A Module And Import A Specific Function In That Module To Another Program


Description : 

Hi in this article we define a new module named as greet.py that has two functions: First is to say hello and then next function is for displaying a welcome message.

Contains of greet.py file

def say_hello(name):
  msg = "Hello, " + name
  return msg

def greet_welcome(name):
  msg = "Welcome, " + name
  return msg


In the main program we just import the greet module and use the above defined function Let's take a string variable and ask the user to enter his name, Then call the functions present in the great module to print the welcome or hello messages as shown below.

import greet

text = input("Enter a Your Name : ")




Complete Python Code : 

Contains of greet.py

def say_hello(name):
  msg = "Hello, " + name
  return msg

def greet_welcome(name):
  msg = "Welcome, " + name
  return msg

Contents of main.py

import greet

text = input("Enter a Your Name : ")




Output : 

Enter a Your Name : Reshma
Welcome, Reshma
Hello, Reshma



Output : 

Enter a Your Name : Rakesh
Welcome, Rakesh
Hello, Rakesh


Conclusion :

The above Python program uses a user defined Module for Generating greeting string out of a given input name.

This program can also be solution for write a program illustrating use of user defined package in python 

So in the main program I will be importing the given functions from the module and then using it into the main program to generate the greet string Comment it down below if you have any query is regarding the above Python program and also suggestions to improve the above Python program


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