Oops unhandled type 3 unimplemented

When you are using paramiko to automate some of your tasks via ssh you may get hit with this issue "Oops unhandled type 3 unimplemented"


This issue occurs due to the ssh public keys that get stored in your local user/.ssh/known_hosts operating system are no more valid to verify the remote host. 


Oops unhandled type 3 unimplemented



This problem occurs due to three reasons 

First : You changed password/ providing wrong password in your python script. 

Second : You have re imaged your operating system 

Third : You have ran ssh-keygen on your remote host.


The directory of known_hosts file changes based on your operating system.

  • For Windows operating system the path is  C:\Users\YouName\.ssh\known_hosts 
  • For RHEL operating system the path is /root/.ssh/known_hosts

Solution : 

In order to re initiate key exchange between local machine and remote machine you should remove the remote entry from known_hosts file and you can start the python script.

You can also remove the file using del command on windows > del  known_hosts or remove command on Linux  # rm known_hosts and start your python script.

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