Write A Python Function To Check Whether A Number Falls Between 3 And 9

Given an integer as an input to a Python program your task is to check if the given number Falls between 3 and 9.  This should be checked using the Python function.  The Python function should return true if the number Falls between 3 and 9 and false if the number does not fall between 3 and 9

Can be done using Python special comparison. Keep reading below.


Write A Python Function To Check Whether A Number Falls Between 3 And 9

Write A Python Function To Check Whether A Number Falls Between 3 And 9

Let's define a function named check and pass  the input argument to the function as a floating point number.  using the special comparison that Python offers, compare the number using the if statement if it's between 3 and 9.  if the number is between 3 and 9 Return the Boolean value as True.  Else if the given number is not between the three and nine return the Boolean value as False from the function

def check(n):
   if 3 <= n <= 9:
       return True
   return False

In the main program take a variable named as number and ask the user to enter  a number and convert the number into a floating point.  once we get the number as an input to the Python program.  use the path to directly call the function check()  To check if the number is between 3 and 9.

If the return value of the function is to print the number is between 3 and 9 using the else part print the number is not between 3 and 9 this completes the python program  to check the number is between 3 and 9 using a python function.

number = float(input("Enter Number : "))
if check(number):
   print("Number falls between 3 and 9")
   print("Number doesnt falls between 3 and 9")

Complete Python Working Code

def check(n):
   if 3 <= n <= 9:
       return True
   return False

number = float(input("Enter Number : "))
if check(number):
   print("Number falls between 3 and 9")
   print("Number doesnt falls between 3 and 9")


Enter Number : 3.01
Number falls between 3 and 9


Enter Number : 9.000001
Number doesnt falls between 3 and 9


Enter Number : 6
Number falls between 3 and 9


Enter Number : 0
Number doesnt falls between 3 and 9


Enter Number : 39
Number doesnt falls between 3 and 9


Execute the above program by yourself and note down the results by providing the random input integer /  floating point values to the Python program

Comment down below if you have any suggestions to improve the above program

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