Write a Python Function to Print Nth Strong Numbers Between M And O

Given a range between two numbers M and O  you have to print the strong numbers between  the range M and O.

Strong number is defined as a number whose sum of factorial of each digit is equal to the number itself.


Write a Python Function to Print Nth Strong Numbers Between M And O


for example let's consider a number 40585

The number 40585 contains digits are

If we try to get the factorial of N numbers then it will be something like as shown below

4! = 24
0! = 1
5! = 120
8! = 40320
5! = 120

The sum of the factorial is  evaluates to

24 + 1 + 120 + 40320 + 120 =  40585

The sum of the factorial is equal to the number itself. So 40585 is a strong number.

Write a Python Function to Print Nth Strong Numbers Between M And O

Let's import the required library. We require the math.factorial module to get the factorial of each and every individual digit of a number.

import math

Define a function that is start and end as an input value,  the input values are  range between M and O. Let's use the for loop to iterate from the start to end while we iterate,  copy the contents of the number to temp and set the total to 0.  total is used to store the sum of factorials of a number.

Using modulus addition and division (MAD),  Use a while loop until temp value is not equals to zero, Get the last digit of a temp  of performing modulus by 10,  find factorial of a last digit and add to the total.  then trim the  last digit of temp value  by true division by 10.

def strong(start, end):
   for number in range(start, end + 1):
       temp = number
       total = 0
       while temp != 0:
           last_digit = temp % 10
           total = total + math.factorial(last_digit)
           temp = temp // 10

       if total == number:
           print(f"{number} is a Strong Number")

Using the if statement Check if total is equals to  the number if so print the number as a strong number

Take two variables M and O and ask a user to enter the starting and ending range then convert this M and O to integers.

Call the function that we have defined above,  by providing the two integer values m and o

m = int(input("Enter Value of M : "))
o = int(input("Enter Value of O : "))

strong(m, o)

Final program

import math

def strong(start, end):
   for number in range(start, end + 1):
       temp = number
       total = 0
       while temp != 0:
           last_digit = temp % 10
           total = total + math.factorial(last_digit)
           temp = temp // 10

       if total == number:
           print(f"{number} is a Strong Number")

m = int(input("Enter Value of M : "))
o = int(input("Enter Value of O : "))

strong(m, o)


Enter Value of M : 1
Enter Value of O : 10000000
1 is a Strong Number
2 is a Strong Number
145 is a Strong Number
40585 is a Strong Number


Try to run the program by yourself by providing the random starting and ending range and note down the strong numbers.

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