Step by Step Guide on How to Take Screenshot in Laptop

Hi, in this article you will learn about how to take a screenshot on your laptop.  so there is some important thing you have to take a screenshot immediately and save it into an image format.  

let's try to learn three methods of taking screenshot in your laptop.


Step by Step Guide on How to Take Screenshot in Laptop




First Method: Press Windows Key and Print Screen Key

Press the two keys (Windows Key and Print Screen Key) together you can capture the screenshot of your desktop and it will be stored in your windows pictures folder.


The desktop screen will go dark for some time to take the screenshot and the screenshot will be captured,  this process happens for a second and you can continue your normal tasks. 


windows key and print screen key


Second Method: Using Print Screen Key and Paint.

Press the print screen key and the screenshot gets captured in your clipboard. Open the paint application and paste it using the Ctrl + V / paste option.

The advantage of this option is you can save the screenshot in different image file formats like png/ jpg/ jpeg/ monochrome/ tiff format etc.


print screen



Third Method: Pressing Windows Key, Shift Key and S together

Windows + Shift + S keys pressing together will ask the user to just take a snip(part of screen) / the full screen.

Select the full screen option and later you will be asked to save the screenshot, open the pop up, select save screenshot by pressing Save as option or Ctrl + S

How to Take Partial Screenshot in Laptop

Partial screenshot can be captured by Pressing Windows Key, Shift Key and S at same time. This will launch a menu and you can select the rectangle area and select to save the snip.

Press Ctrl + S / Save as option to save the partial screenshot

How to Take Screenshot of Specific Dialogue Box / Pop Up in Laptop

To capture the screenshot of a specific dialogue box, select the dialogue box and press Alt + Print Screen Key. This will capture the complete screenshot of the dialogue box into your clipboard. Then save it by launching the paint application.





Understand the keys present on the keyboard, some times print screen may be presented with different option.

Comment down below if you have any queries related to above shortcuts.

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