How to Get Up Early in the Morning

Hi Guys, welcome to the health section of this blog. In this article you will understand how to wake up early in the morning and get your day started by having lots of energy throughout the day.

Sleep is a very important aspect of a human body that helps you to  rejuvenate your body by generating new cells, fight off diseases, refresh your mind, recover your body from pain, forget worries etc.

Wake up time changes to 11:00 a.m. if you have bad habits so if you  are seeking a solution to your problem on how to get up early in the morning  then you are at the right place. Your sleeping habits are responsible for your wake up time so if you want to change wake up time you should first change your sleeping habits.


How to Get Up Early in the Morning


The advantage of getting up early is Sunrise. Experts say that if you don't get up early at sunrise and watch it you will have lots of health issues when you are grown up.

Your Wake Up Time depends on five factors as explained below

  1. Tasks you do before going to bed
  2. Your mental health
  3. Your physical health
  4. The sleep environment
  5. Tasks you do go after getting up in the morning

Let's discuss all the five factors that are directly related to your sleep.

#1 Factor : Tasks you do before going to bed

The major factor that impacts on waking up early Is what are the task that you do before going to bed,  there are some task that you shouldn't be doing before going to bed in order to tune your schedule and wake up early in the morning 


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The task that you shouldn't be doing before going to bed

  1. Working late night
  2. Using mobile phones at TV
  3. Worrying about a issue
  4. Taking coffee/ sugar items
  5. Drinking lots of water

Tips for wake up early in the morning by changing habits that you do before going to bed

Avoid Screen Time

Avoid bright screen devices Mobile/ TV/ Laptop 2 hours prior to sleep. The TV/Mobile screen emits blue rays that impact the eye and it makes you awake for next 2 hours.  so in order to sleep  immediately you  should switch off the devices that EMIT blue rays before 2 hours.

Continuing the Work

It is usually seen  that software engineers during the end of the release time work day and night.  This is because of no proper planning throughout the  software release cycle.  So plan your  release  accordingly so that you don't have any pending work at the end of the release.

Postpone Worrying about an issue (Family or work)

To solve this you should understand no human being has one without a problem.  if you keep thinking you cannot solve the problem all night,  so  realization of this will help you get good sleep at night and you will start waking up early

Avoid taking too much coffee / sugary items

Taking coffee is good during the daytime but you should avoid it taking 4 hours prior before going to bed. Even lot of sugary items can make your mouth dry,  this will impact your sleep

Avoid drinking lots of water

Drinking too much water/  juice/  coconut water before you get to sleep may impact your quality of sleep as you may have to use the washroom frequently. You should avoid drinking too much water before sleep.

#2 Factor : Sleep and mental health

Your mental health is very important in waking up early and your sleep schedule will get impacted if your mental condition is not good.

Sleep and mental health


These are the things you shouldn't be doing before going to bed

  1. Worrying about a family member or work issues
  2. Addicted to watching tv/ chatting at night
  3. Worry about the future/ tomorrow's busy meetings schedule

So let's discuss how you can resolve your mental health issues and focus on healthy living.

Worrying About Family / Work Related issues

When you keep worrying about the tasks that are not under your control this leads to making you anxious. In order to resolve these kinds of issues you just have to postpone the thinking for the next 12 hours.  just postpone the wearing about the issue for next 12 hours and you can still sleep peacefully

Addicted to watching mobile or TV

Watching mobile or TV will alter your sleep cycle,  the schedule that you made to sleep for 7 to 8 hours will get impacted due to your mobile or TV schedule. A little dose of entertainment is good but when it becomes an addiction it will impact your complete life.

Avoid worrying about the future/ tomorrow's early meeting schedule

I had the same problem of worrying about tomorrow's early meeting schedule. I have also seen to the people who complain the same  about tomorrow's early schedule. The easiest way to get out of this is by preparing yourself thoroughly. If you are giving the presentation for tomorrow's meeting then you have to prepare it thoroughly the day prior to the presentation by this you get rid of the worry.


#3 Factor : How You Wake Up Early Gets Impacted by Your Physical Health

People say health is wealth. When you have good health you should not be having problems with good sleep and waking up early.  This is one of the most important factors to getting up early in the morning and continuing your day.


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Physical fitness that impact the sleep are

  1. You met with accident and struggling with the injury
  2. Struggling with diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseases
  3. Down with the fever
  4. Blocked nose, severe cough and having headache

Sleep impact due to injury

If you are injured your sleep cycle may be impacted so better to consult a doctor and get well as soon as possible.  also follow the healthy routine to recover from the injury,  by eating healthy food.

Health issues like diabetes BP and heart disease

If you are suffering from any of these , you may have to frequently drink water, or frequently use the  washrooms.  so this may also impact your sleep cycle  impacting the wake up time of your sleep. Take proper treatment from the doctor,  follow the right advice from the physician and try improving your lifestyle.

Fever, cough, cold and headache

If you are suffering from fever, cough, cold or headache this impacts the quality of your sleep. Try recovering from all these while taking enough rest. To get a good sleep during the fever try some home remedies to relieve the running/ blocked nose and cough.

#4 Factor : The sleep environment

The sleeping environment is also one of the factors that will impact when and how you wake up early in the morning. Good environment leads to peaceful and deep sleep and helps you  feel refreshed the next day.


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These are the environments that you shouldn't be sleeping

  1. Loud neighborhood noises
  2. Construction sites
  3. Sleeping outside having mosquitoes

Some of the Sleep environments you should consider are..

Use chilled environment

During summer you may require an air conditioner or fan to keep running the whole night,  this will help you get a good amount of sleep

Self-Prepared Bed/ Blanket/ Pillow

Researchers say that  if you prepare the bed with a blanket/ pillow before you go to sleep you will get enough sleep. This is one of the quotes for waking up early. Also take care that you are not sleeping outside else there will be a problem of mosquitoes/ insect bites.

#5 Factor : Tasks you do go after getting up in the morning

There are certain  tasks that you should be  doing after getting up in the morning,  generally you should wake up at 7:30 a.m. in the morning to complete your routine task.


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These are the things you shouldn't be doing after making up

  1. Watching reels/ shorts in the mobile
  2. Sleep back again by switching of the alarm

Watching News on TV/ Watching Instagram Reels / YouTube Shorts

Once you wake up from the sleep you take your mobile and start watching some of the entertaining videos on TV or on your Smartphone.  I used to do this once I woke up from the sleep and was still present in bed.  I found that this will consume every half an hour of your morning routine. So I stopped doing it.

Morning routine after you wake

The Morning routine after you wake up early in the morning should start with affirmation, drinking a glass of lukewarm water, exercise, cleaning yourself by taking a bath, having breakfast and then listing down your today's task. This will help you build up a scheduled routine so that you don't have to work at the late night and  alter your sleep timings


Hope you have enjoyed reading my article, there is a difference between getting knowledge and taking action on it.  so you have gained knowledge on how to wake up early in the morning so start applying these and start to notice the changes in your life.

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