Write a Python Program to Print Fibonacci Series up to 50

Hi Guys, welcome to my blog in this article you will learn about how to Write A Python Program To Print Fibonacci Series Up To 50


Title : 

Write A Python Program To Print Fibonacci Series Up To 50

Write a Python Program to Print Fibonacci Series up to 50


Description : 

Hi guys in this article you will learn about a python program that will print the fibonacci numbers upto 50 Fibonacci numbers of a number is defined by adding the number with its preceding number fib(n) = fib(n) + fib(n-1) This python program does not require any input from the user just define value of a, b and limit as 0, 1 and 50


a, b, limit = 0, 1, 50
print(a, end=", ")
print(b, end=", ")


Now in order to find the fibonacci numbers until we reach 50 we will use infinite while loop and keep adding a, b variables until it reaches 50 Also check if addition of two variables a and b not reached until 50, keep printing c value and swap a and b values at the end.


while True:
   c = a + b
   if c > limit:
   print(c, end=", ")
   a, b = b, c


Complete Python Code : 

a, b, limit = 0, 1, 50
print(a, end=", ")
print(b, end=", ")

while True:
   c = a + b
   if c > limit:
   print(c, end=", ")
   a, b = b, c




Output : 

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 



Output : 

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 


Conclusion :

The above Python program takes two variables a and b and uses infinite while loop to calculate the fibonacci series upto 50. In the while loop the program keeps adding a dn b values, storing the sum in the c variable. Variable is checked if it's less than 50 and it gets printed else the program exits using break/ exit(0) function. Comment it down below if you have any query is regarding the above Python program


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