which of the following is an example of logical error forgetting a semicolon re declaring a variable infinite loop divided by zero

Which of the following is an example of logical error? forgetting a semicolon re-declaring a variable infinite loop divided by zero

Answer: Divided by zero

Forgetting a semicolon, re-declaring a variable, and infinite loop are all examples of syntax errors. Syntax errors are errors in the structure of a program's code, such as using the wrong punctuation or keywords. Syntax errors can prevent a program from compiling or running at all.

Logical errors, on the other hand, are errors in the logic of a program. They can cause a program to run, but produce incorrect output or even crash.

Divided by zero is a classic example of a logical error. It occurs when a program tries to divide a number by zero. This is impossible, and the program will usually crash.


def calculate_average(num1, num2):
  return num1 / num2

# This will cause a division by zero error
average = calculate_average(5, 0)

This code will compile and run without any errors, but the output will be incorrect. The variable average will contain the value inf, which is infinity.

Other examples of logical errors include:

  • Using the wrong operator, such as using + instead of * to multiply two numbers.
# This will result in incorrect output
total = 5 + 10 / 2

The correct code would be:

# This will produce the correct output
total = 5 * 10 / 2
  • Comparing two values that are not of the same type.
# This will result in a type error
if "hello" == 5:
  print("The strings are equal")

The correct code would be:

# This will not produce a type error
if str("hello") == str(5):
  print("The strings are equal")
  • Using a loop to iterate over an empty list.
# This will cause an infinite loop
for item in []:

The correct code would be:

# This will not cause an infinite loop
if []:
  for item in []:
  • Using a function that returns the wrong value.
def calculate_maximum(num1, num2):
  if num1 > num2:
    return num1
    return num2

# This will result in incorrect output
maximum_value = calculate_maximum(5, 10)

The correct code would be:

def calculate_maximum(num1, num2):
  if num1 > num2:
    return num1
    return num2

# This will produce the correct output
maximum_value = calculate_maximum(10, 5)

Logical errors can be difficult to find and fix, because they often do not cause the program to crash. However, they can lead to incorrect output or even unexpected behavior.

Here are some tips for preventing logical errors:

  • Use good programming practices, such as commenting your code and using unit tests.
  • Test your code thoroughly before releasing it to production.
  • Use a debugger to step through your code line by line and identify any logical errors.
  • Get feedback from other programmers before releasing your code.

By following these tips, programmers can help to prevent logical errors and create more reliable software.

Here are some more examples of logical errors:

  • Using the wrong conditional statement:
# This will always evaluate to True
if num > 10 and num < 0:
  print("The number is between 10 and 0")

The correct code would be:

# This will only evaluate to True if the number is between 0 and 10
if 0 <= num <= 10:
  print("The number is between 0 and 10")
  • Using the wrong data structure:
# This will cause a type error
my_list = []
my_set = my_list.add(5)

The correct code would be:

# This will not cause a type error
my_set = set()

Logical errors are one of the most common types of errors that programmers make. They can be difficult to find and fix, because they often do not cause the program to crash. However, they can lead to incorrect output or even unexpected behavior.

Here are some more examples of logical errors in Python:

  • Using the wrong variable:
# This will result in undefined behavior
total = sum([1, 2, 3])

The variable average has not been initialized, so the program will produce undefined behavior.

  • Using a function that is not defined:
# This will cause a NameError
calculate_average(5, 10)

The function calculate_average() is not defined, so the program will produce a NameError.

  • Using a loop that never terminates:
# This will cause an infinite loop
while True:

This loop will never terminate, because the condition True is always True.

  • Using a conditional statement that is always True or always False:
# This will always evaluate to True
if num > 0:
  print("The number is positive")
  print("The number is negative")

This code will always print "The number is positive", because the number num is always greater than 0.

  • Using a function that returns the wrong type of data:
def calculate_maximum(num1, num2):
  if num1 > num2:
    return "hello"
    return "world"

# This will result in a TypeError
maximum_value = calculate_maximum(5, 10)

The function calculate_maximum() returns a string, but the variable maximum_value is expecting an integer. This will result in a TypeError.

Logical errors can be difficult to find and fix, because they often do not cause the program to crash. However, there are a few things that programmers can do to prevent logical errors:

  • Use good programming practices, such as commenting their code and using unit tests.
  • Test their code thoroughly before releasing it to production.
  • Use a debugger to step through their code line by line and identify any logical errors.
  • Get feedback from other programmers before releasing their code.

By following these tips, programmers can help to prevent logical errors and create more reliable software.

How to debug logical errors

Debugging logical errors can be difficult, but there are a few tools and techniques that can help.

One tool that can be helpful is a debugger. A debugger allows programmers to step through their code line by line and inspect the values of variables. This can help programmers to identify the line of code where the logical error is occurring.

Another tool that can be helpful is a unit testing framework. Unit tests allow programmers to test individual units of their code in isolation. This can help programmers to identify logical errors that are caused by interactions between different parts of their code.

Finally, programmers can also get feedback from other programmers. Other programmers may be able to spot logical errors that the original programmer missed.


Logical errors are a common problem in programming, but they can be prevented and fixed with careful attention to detail. By following the tips above, programmers can help to create more reliable software.

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