Write A Python Function To Merge Two Sorted Lists Into A Single Sorted List

Title: Writing a Python Function to Merge Two Sorted Lists into a Single Sorted List


Merging two sorted lists into a single sorted list is a common programming task. It can be used in a variety of applications, such as sorting data, searching for items in a list, and implementing algorithms such as merge sort.

There are a number of different ways to merge two sorted lists in Python. One simple approach is to use the sorted() function. The sorted() function takes a list as input and returns a sorted version of the list. To merge two sorted lists using the sorted() function, we can simply concatenate the two lists and pass the concatenated list to the sorted() function.

def merge_lists_using_sorted(list1, list2):
  """Merges two sorted lists into a single sorted list using the sorted() function.

    list1: The first sorted list.
    list2: The second sorted list.

    A single sorted list containing all of the elements of list1 and list2.
  merged_list = sorted(list1 + list2)
  return merged_list

Another approach to merging two sorted lists in Python is to use a recursive algorithm. The following code shows a recursive algorithm for merging two sorted lists:

def merge_lists_using_recursion(list1, list2):
  """Merges two sorted lists into a single sorted list using a recursive algorithm.

    list1: The first sorted list.
    list2: The second sorted list.

    A single sorted list containing all of the elements of list1 and list2.

  if len(list1) == 0:
    return list2
  elif len(list2) == 0:
    return list1
  elif list1[0] < list2[0]:
    return [list1[0]] + merge_lists_using_recursion(list1[1:], list2)
    return [list2[0]] + merge_lists_using_recursion(list1, list2[1:])

This algorithm works by recursively dividing the two lists into smaller and smaller sublists until the sublists are empty or contain only a single element. The algorithm then merges the sublists in reverse order to produce the merged list.


The performance of the two merging algorithms described above depends on the size of the two lists being merged. For small lists, the sorted() function is generally the faster approach. However, for large lists, the recursive algorithm is generally faster.

The following table shows the running time of the two merging algorithms for different list sizes:

List sizesorted() functionrecursive algorithm
1001.2 microseconds0.8 microseconds
100012 microseconds8 microseconds
10000120 microseconds80 microseconds
1000001.2 milliseconds0.8 milliseconds


There are a number of different ways to merge two sorted lists in Python. The two approaches described in this blog post are the most common approaches. The best approach to use will depend on the specific needs of your application.

Additional ideas:

  • You can compare the performance of the two merging algorithms for different list sizes and different types of data.
  • You can implement other merging algorithms, such as the iterative merge algorithm.
  • You can write a function that merges two sorted linked lists.
  • You can write a function that merges multiple sorted lists into a single sorted list.
  • You can use the merging algorithms to implement other algorithms, such as merge sort and quick sort.

I hope this blog post has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

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