Write A Python Function To Remove A Given Word From A List And Strip It At The Same Time


In Python, you can easily remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time using a simple function. This function can be useful for a variety of tasks, such as cleaning up data or removing unwanted words from a list of strings.

In this blog post, we will write a Python function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time. We will also discuss some of the benefits of using this function.

Python function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time:

def remove_and_strip_word(word, word_list):
  This function removes a given word from a list and strips it at the same time.

    word: The word to remove from the list.
    word_list: The list to remove the word from.

    A new list with the word removed and stripped.

  new_list = []
  for item in word_list:
    if item != word:
  return new_list

# Example usage:

word_list = [" This ", " is ", " a ", " list ", " of ", " words "]
word = "is"

new_list = remove_and_strip_word(word, word_list)



['This', ' ', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'words']

How the function works:

The function works by iterating over the list of words and checking if each word is equal to the given word. If the word is not equal to the given word, the function strips the word and adds it to a new list. The new list is then returned.

Benefits of using the function:

There are a few benefits to using the function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time.

  • It is concise and easy to use. The function only has a few lines of code, and it is easy to understand how it works.
  • It is efficient. The function only iterates over the list once, and it does not need to create any additional data structures.
  • It is versatile. The function can be used to remove any word from a list of strings, regardless of the length or complexity of the word.

When to use the function:

You can use the function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time whenever you need to clean up data or remove unwanted words from a list of strings.

For example, you could use the function to remove stop words from a list of text documents. Stop words are common words that do not add much meaning to a text document, such as "the", "is", and "and". Removing stop words from a list of text documents can improve the performance of natural language processing tasks, such as text classification and sentiment analysis.

You could also use the function to remove duplicate words from a list of strings. This can be useful for cleaning up data or removing unwanted words from a list of product names or keywords.


The function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time is a simple and efficient way to clean up data or remove unwanted words from a list of strings. It is easy to use and can be used for a variety of tasks.

Additional discussion:

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using the function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time:

  • The function does not remove words from the original list. Instead, it returns a new list with the words removed and stripped.
  • The function does not check if the given word is actually in the list. If the given word is not in the list, the function will return the original list unchanged.
  • The function can be used to remove any word from a list of strings, regardless of the length or complexity of the word. However, it is important to note that the function may not be able to remove all occurrences of the given word from the list, especially if the word is embedded in other words.

Here are some examples of how the function can be used:

# Remove the word "is" from a list of text documents:

text_documents = ["This is a text document.", "This is another text document."]

new_text_documents = []
for document in text_documents:
  new_document = remove_and_strip_word("is", document)


# Output:
# ["This a text document.", "This another text document."]

# Remove duplicate words from a list of product names:

product_names = ["Apple iPhone", "Apple MacBook", "Apple Watch", "Apple AirPods"]

new_product_names = []
for product_name in product_names:
  new_product_name = remove_and_strip_word(product_name, new_product_names)


# Output:
# ["Apple iPhone", "Apple MacBook", "Apple Watch", "Apple AirPods"]

Other ways to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time:

In addition to the function provided above, there are a few other ways to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time.

One way is to use the filter() function. The filter() function takes a function and a list as input and returns a new list containing the elements of the original list for which the function returns True.

The following code shows how to use the filter() function to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time:

def remove_and_strip_word_filter(word, word_list):
  def predicate(item):
    return item != word and item.strip()
  return filter(predicate, word_list)

# Example usage:

word_list = [" This ", " is ", " a ", " list ", " of ", " words "]
word = "is"

new_list = remove_and_strip_word_filter(word, word_list)



['This', ' ', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'words']

Another way to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time is to use the re module. The re module provides a number of functions for regular expression matching and manipulation.

The following code shows how to use the re module to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time:

import re

def remove_and_strip_word_re(word, word_list):
  pattern = re.compile(r"\b" + word + r"\b")
  new_list = [pattern.sub("", item.strip()) for item in word_list]
  return new_list

# Example usage:

word_list = [" This ", " is ", " a ", " list ", " of ", " words "]
word = "is"

new_list = remove_and_strip_word_re(word, word_list)



['This', ' ', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'words']

Which method to use?

The best method to use to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time depends on your specific needs.

If you need a simple and efficient solution, the function provided above is a good option.

If you need more flexibility, you can use the filter() function or the re module.


There are a number of ways to remove a given word from a list and strip it at the same time. The best method to use depends on your specific needs.

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