Write A Python Function To Reverse A List At A Specific Location

Python Function to Reverse a List at a Specific Location

Reversing a list in Python is a common task that can be done using the built-in reverse() method. However, if you need to reverse only a specific subset of the list, you can use the following function:

def reverse_list_at_specific_location(list1, start, end):
  """Reverses a list at a specific location.

    list1: A list of elements.
    start: The start index of the sublist to be reversed.
    end: The end index of the sublist to be reversed.

    A list with the sublist reversed.

  if start < 0 or end >= len(list1):
    raise ValueError("Invalid start or end index.")

  if start > end:
    raise ValueError("Start index must be less than or equal to end index.")

  list1[start:end + 1] = list1[start:end + 1][::-1]
  return list1

This function works by first checking the validity of the start and end indices. If either index is out of bounds, the function raises a ValueError exception. Otherwise, the function slices the list from the start index to the end index (inclusive) and reverses the sliced sublist. The reversed sublist is then assigned back to the original list at the same start and end indices.

Here is an example of how to use the reverse_list_at_specific_location() function to reverse the sublist from index 2 to index 4 in a list:

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Reverse the sub-list from index 2 to index 4.
reversed_list = reverse_list_at_specific_location(list1, 2, 4)



[1, 2, 5, 4, 3]


The reverse_list_at_specific_location() function can be used in a variety of applications, such as:

  • Reversing a sentence or word in a string.
  • Reversing the order of elements in a list of numbers or objects.
  • Reversing the order of elements in a matrix or other multidimensional data structure.
  • Reversing the order of steps in a procedure or algorithm.


The reverse_list_at_specific_location() function has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the sublist to be reversed. This is because the function needs to slice the list, reverse the sublist, and then assign the reversed sublist back to the original list. The space complexity of the function is O(1), since it does not create any new data structures.


The reverse_list_at_specific_location() function is a useful Python function for reversing a list at a specific location. It is efficient and easy to use, and it can be applied to a variety of problems.

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