Write A Python Program To Find Numbers Divisible By Another Number


Python is a general-purpose programming language that is widely used in a variety of fields, including data science, machine learning, and web development. One of the most common tasks that Python programmers need to perform is to find numbers that are divisible by another number. This task can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including:

  • Using the modulus operator (%): The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division operation. If the remainder is zero, then the number is divisible by the other number. For example, the following code checks if the number 10 is divisible by 2:
num = 10
div = 2

if num % div == 0:
    print("The number is divisible.")
    print("The number is not divisible.")


The number is divisible.
  • Using a for loop: A for loop can be used to iterate through a range of numbers and check if each number is divisible by the other number. For example, the following code checks if all the numbers from 1 to 10 are divisible by 5:
for num in range(1, 11):
    if num % 5 == 0:


  • Using a list comprehension: A list comprehension is a concise way to create a new list from an existing list. It can be used to filter out the numbers that are not divisible by the other number. For example, the following code creates a new list containing all the numbers from 1 to 10 that are divisible by 3:
divisible_by_3 = [num for num in range(1, 11) if num % 3 == 0]



[3, 6, 9]

More Advanced Methods

In addition to the basic methods described above, there are a number of more advanced methods that can be used to find numbers that are divisible by another number. These methods include:

  • Using the Euclidean algorithm: The Euclidean algorithm is a mathematical algorithm that can be used to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers. The GCD is the largest number that is a divisor of both numbers. If the GCD of two numbers is equal to the other number, then the first number is divisible by the other number. For example, the following code checks if the number 10 is divisible by 2:
def gcd(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return a
        return gcd(b, a % b)

num = 10
div = 2

if gcd(num, div) == div:
    print("The number is divisible.")
    print("The number is not divisible.")


The number is divisible.
  • Using the prime factorization of numbers: The prime factorization of a number is the product of all the prime numbers that divide the number. If the prime factorization of two numbers has no common factors other than 1, then the first number is not divisible by the other number. For example, the prime factorization of 10 is 2 x 5 and the prime factorization of 2 is 2. Since the two prime factorizations have a common factor of 2, the number 10 is divisible by 2.

Real-World Applications

Finding numbers that are divisible by another number is a common task in a variety of real-world applications. For example, it can be used to:

  • Calculate the number of items in a group: If you have a group of items and you want to know how many items are in a group of a certain size, you can use the modulus operator to find the numbers that are divisible by the size of the group. For example, if you have a group of 10 items and you want to know how many items are in a group of 3, you can use the following code:
num_items = 10
group_size = 3

num_groups = num_items // group_size



  • Find the factors of a number: The factors of a number are the numbers that divide the number evenly. To find the factors of a number, you can use the modulus operator to check if each number from 1 to the number is divisible by the number.


Numbers that are divisible by another number is a common task in Python programming. There are a variety of methods that can be used to accomplish this task, including using the modulus operator, using a for loop, and using a list comprehension. More advanced methods, such as the Euclidean algorithm and prime factorization, can also be used to find numbers that are divisible by another number. These methods have a variety of real-world applications, such as calculating the number of items in a group and finding the factors of a number.


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