Write A Python Function To Check Whether A Number Is In Given Range

The Essence of Range Checking

Range checking, also known as range validation, involves verifying whether a particular value adheres to a predefined set of boundaries. This concept is prevalent in various scenarios, from ensuring user input falls within acceptable limits to safeguarding data integrity. In Python, range checking plays a crucial role in data validation, ensuring that numerical inputs conform to specific requirements.


Crafting the Range Check Function

To effectively check if a number resides within a specified range, a Python function can be crafted. This function, aptly named is_in_range(), takes two arguments: the number to be evaluated and the range represented by a tuple containing the lower and upper bounds. The function's task is to determine whether the number falls between these bounds, inclusive of the lower bound but exclusive of the upper bound.

def is_in_range(number, range_tuple):
    lower_bound, upper_bound = range_tuple
    if lower_bound <= number < upper_bound:
        return True
        return False

Unveiling the Function's Intricacies

The is_in_range() function utilizes an if statement to evaluate whether the number lies within the specified range. The lower_bound and upper_bound variables extract the range boundaries from the range_tuple argument. The comparison operator <= ensures that the number is greater than or equal to the lower bound, while the operator < ensures that it is less than the upper bound. If both conditions are met, the function returns True, indicating that the number is within the range. Otherwise, it returns False.


Practical Applications of Range Checking

The is_in_range() function finds its application in diverse scenarios, including:

  1. User Input Validation: Validating user-entered data to ensure it aligns with expected ranges, preventing invalid or nonsensical input.
  2. Data Integrity Assurance: Verifying the accuracy and consistency of data within a dataset, ensuring that numerical values adhere to established limits.
  3. Programmatic Decision-Making: Implementing range checks as part of conditional logic to control program flow based on whether values fall within specific ranges.

Enhancing the Function with Exception Handling

To enhance the function's robustness, exception handling can be incorporated to gracefully handle unexpected input. For instance, if a non-numeric value is passed as the number argument, a TypeError exception may occur. Implementing try-except blocks can effectively catch and handle such exceptions, ensuring the function's stability.

def is_in_range(number, range_tuple):
        lower_bound, upper_bound = range_tuple
        if lower_bound <= number < upper_bound:
            return True
            return False
    except TypeError:
        print("Invalid input: Number must be a numeric value.")


Creating a Python function to check if a number lies within a given range is a fundamental task often encountered in programming. The is_in_range() function provides a straightforward and efficient approach to performing this operation. Its applications span across various domains, from user input validation to data integrity assurance. By incorporating exception handling, the function's robustness is enhanced, ensuring stability in the face of unexpected input.

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