Write A Python Function To Accept A Number Find And Display Whether It Is An Armstrong Number Or Not

Exploring Armstrong Numbers with Python: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of mathematics, certain numbers possess intriguing properties that fascinate and challenge our understanding. Armstrong numbers, named after mathematician William Armstrong, belong to this category. These special numbers are defined as those whose sum of the individual digits, raised to the power of the number of digits, equals the original number itself. For instance, the number 153 is an Armstrong number since 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153.

Python, a versatile programming language, offers a powerful toolset for exploring the fascinating world of Armstrong numbers. With its clear syntax and extensive libraries, Python enables us to create functions and algorithms to identify and analyze these unique numbers.


Delving into the Concept of Armstrong Numbers

An Armstrong number, also known as a narcissistic number or a self-descriptive number, is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its digits raised to the power of the number of digits. In other words, if a positive integer 'n' is equal to the sum of 'n'th power of each of its digits, then 'n' is an Armstrong number.


Formulating a Python Function to Identify Armstrong Numbers

To effectively identify Armstrong numbers using Python, we can develop a function that takes an integer as input and determines whether it falls into this category. The function should follow these steps:

  1. Convert the input integer to a string: This allows us to access each digit individually.
  2. Calculate the number of digits: This helps determine the power to which each digit should be raised.
  3. Initialize a variable to store the sum: This will accumulate the sum of the raised digits.
  4. Iterate through the string of digits: For each digit, convert it to an integer, raise it to the power of the number of digits, and add the result to the sum variable.
  5. Compare the sum to the original integer: If the sum equals the original integer, the number is an Armstrong number.


Implementing the Armstrong Number Function

Here's the Python code for the function that identifies Armstrong numbers:

def is_armstrong(number):
    digit_sum = 0
    number_of_digits = len(str(number))
    temp = number

    while temp > 0:
        digit = temp % 10
        digit_sum += digit**number_of_digits
        temp //= 10

    if number == digit_sum:
        return True
        return False

This function takes an integer 'number' as input and returns 'True' if it's an Armstrong number, and 'False' otherwise.


Demonstrating the Function's Functionality

To illustrate the usage of the 'is_armstrong' function, consider the following code snippet:

number = 153

if is_armstrong(number):
    print(f"{number} is an Armstrong number.")
    print(f"{number} is not an Armstrong number.")

This code checks whether 153 is an Armstrong number. The output will be:

153 is an Armstrong number.


Expanding the Function's Capabilities

The 'is_armstrong' function can be expanded to handle negative numbers and zero by adding additional checks at the beginning of the function. Additionally, it can be modified to return a list of all Armstrong numbers within a specified range.



Armstrong numbers represent a captivating aspect of mathematical exploration. With Python as our tool, we can delve into their properties, identify them, and appreciate their unique characteristics. The 'is_armstrong' function serves as a foundation for further exploration and serves as a testament to Python's versatility in handling mathematical concepts.

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