how to format date and time in python explain it with example

Controlling time and its representation is crucial in various Python applications. Whether logging data, formatting timestamps, or displaying user-friendly dates, mastering date and time formatting is essential for any aspiring Python developer. This guide dives deep into the tools and techniques you need to manipulate and format dates and times in Python, leaving you confident and equipped to conquer any temporal challenge.


The Essentials: datetime and strftime

Python's datetime module serves as the cornerstone for working with dates and times. It provides various classes and functions for representing, manipulating, and formatting temporal data. The most crucial classes are:

  • datetime: Represents a specific date and time with attributes like year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
  • date: Represents a specific date without time information.
  • time: Represents a specific time without date information.

Each class offers numerous methods for manipulating its corresponding temporal value. For instance, you can add or subtract time intervals, extract specific components, and compare dates/times.

However, the true power of datetime lies in its ability to format its data into specific representations. This is achieved through the strftime method, which takes a format string as input and returns a formatted string based on the specified format codes.


 Unlocking the Power of Format Codes: A Comprehensive List

The format string passed to strftime is the key to controlling the output format. It contains a combination of special format codes that dictate how each date/time component is displayed. Here's a comprehensive list of commonly used format codes:

  • Date:
    • %Y: Four-digit year
    • %y: Two-digit year (e.g., 23)
    • %m: Two-digit month (e.g., 01)
    • %B: Full month name (e.g., January)
    • %b: Abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan)
    • %d: Two-digit day of the month (e.g., 01)
  • Time:
    • %H: Hour in 24-hour clock (e.g., 14)
    • %I: Hour in 12-hour clock (e.g., 02)
    • %M: Two-digit minute (e.g., 15)
    • %S: Two-digit second (e.g., 00)
    • %p: AM or PM

These are just a few of the many available format codes. You can combine them to create complex formatting patterns, allowing you to represent dates and times in virtually any desired format.


Examples: Putting It All Together

Let's explore some practical examples to understand the application of datetime and strftime:

1. Getting the current date and time:

from datetime import datetime

now =

# Format the current date and time with different patterns
formatted_date = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
formatted_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
formatted_datetime = now.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y at %I:%M %p")

print(f"Date: {formatted_date}")
print(f"Time: {formatted_time}")
print(f"Datetime: {formatted_datetime}")

This code snippet demonstrates how to access the current date and time using and then format them using different strftime patterns.

2. Customizing date and time formats:

# Format date with full month name and two-digit year
formatted_date ="%B %d, '%y")

# Format time with leading zero for single-digit hours
formatted_time ="%H:%M:%S")

# Combine date and time with a custom separator
formatted_datetime = f"{formatted_date} at {formatted_time}"

print(f"Datetime: {formatted_datetime}")

This example shows how to create custom formatting patterns by combining various format codes and adding additional strings for clarity.

3. Formatting dates with different locales:

from datetime import datetime

# Set the locale to French
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "fr_FR.UTF-8")

# Format the date with the current locale
formatted_date ="%A %d %B %Y")

print(f"Date in French: {formatted_date}")

This code snippet demonstrates how to format dates and times according to different locales, ensuring the output


4. Parsing Dates and Times:

While strftime focuses on formatting, the strptime function allows you to parse strings back into datetime objects. This comes in handy when dealing with user input or data from external sources.

5. Using strptime with format codes:

from datetime import datetime

# Parse date string with specific format
date_string = "2023-12-07"
parsed_date = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d")

# Access individual components from the parsed date
year = parsed_date.year
month = parsed_date.month
day =

print(f"Parsed date: {year}-{month}-{day}")

6. Handling relative time formats:

Python's timedelta class allows you to represent and manipulate time intervals. You can use it to add or subtract specific durations from dates and times.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Get current date and time
now =

# Add one week to the current date
one_week_later = now + timedelta(days=7)

# Format the future date
formatted_future_date = one_week_later.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y")

print(f"One week from now: {formatted_future_date}")

7. Using third-party libraries:

While the built-in datetime module provides essential functionality, libraries like dateutil and arrow offer additional features and functionalities for working with dates and times in Python.

8. Best practices for date and time formatting:

  • Use consistent formatting patterns throughout your code for clarity and maintainability.
  • Choose formats that are easily readable and understandable by your target audience.
  • Consider using internationalization features to support different locales.
  • Utilize appropriate format codes for specific contexts, like timestamps or human-readable dates.
  • Document your code clearly, explaining the chosen format codes and their rationale.


Formatting dates and times effectively is a crucial skill for any Python developer. By mastering the datetime module and its associated functions like strftime and strptime, you can efficiently manipulate and display temporal data in a multitude of ways. Remember to explore additional techniques, libraries, and best practices to expand your expertise and tackle any date-time challenge thrown your way.

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