How to Restart RMC service in AIX or VIOS LPAR

The Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) service is a crucial component of your Power Systems environment, enabling communication and management between your HMC and LPARs. But what do you do when that connection stutters or dies, leaving you with frustrated LPARs and a stalled workflow? Fear not, fellow Power Systems warrior, for this blog is your guide to restarting the RMC service and restoring control!


Diagnosing the Disconnect:

Before diving into restarts, let's diagnose the problem. Ping HMC from LPAR and LPAR from the HMC, if that's successful. Check if HMC Network Settings firewall allows RMC Port and TCP Traffic.

If everything is ok Run these commands on the HMC or LPAR to check the RMC connection status:

  • lssyscfg -m system1 -r lpar -F name,rmc_state,rmc_ipaddr,state,lpar_env: This displays the RMC state, IP address, and OS version for each LPAR.
  • lspartition -dlpar | fgrep lpar_id: This provides raw RMC connection data for the specified LPAR.

If the RMC state is inactive or the data doesn't match, you've got a disconnect. But don't panic, there are ways to revive it!


Restarting RMC

Now, let's explore your RMC revival options:

1. Soft Reboot:

This is a gentle nudge for your RMC service. On the LPAR, run:

  • stopsrc -g rsct; stopsrc -g rsct_rm; sleep 3; startsrc -g rsct; startsrc -g rsct_rm;

This is a low-impact approach, ideal for minor hiccups.

This restarts the entire RMC server on the HMC, impacting all connected LPARs. Use this option with caution.

Bonus Tip: If all else fails, consider a server rebuild or HMC restart. These are nuclear options, best used as a last resort.


Post-Reboot Rehabilitation:

Once RMC is back active, verify the connection with the same commands as before. If the problem persists, consult the IBM documentation for further troubleshooting steps.


  • Always back up your data before any major restarts.
  • Document your actions for future reference.
  • Consult the IBM documentation for specific instructions based on your Power Systems configuration.

With these tips and a bit of troubleshooting, you'll have your RMC service humming and your LPARs back in control. So, channel your inner Power Systems hero, face the RMC disconnect with courage, and remember, a reboot is just a minor blip on the path to smooth LPAR management!

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