Write A Html Code To Display Your Name


  • Creating a web page starts with HTML, the backbone of the web.
  • To display text on a web page, we use the <p> tag, which stands for "paragraph."
  • Let's write a simple HTML code to display your name!

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Your Name</title>
  <p>Your Name Here</p>


  • Each HTML document begins with a <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.
  • The <html> tag encloses the entire content of the web page.
  • The <head> section contains information about the page, like the title.
  • The <body> section holds the content that will be visible on the page.
  • The <p> tag encapsulates the text "Your Name Here," which you'll replace with your actual name.


  1. Replace "Your Name Here" with your name.
  2. Save the code as an HTML file (e.g., "myname.html").
  3. Open the HTML file in a web browser to see your name displayed.


  • This simple example demonstrates the fundamental concept of displaying text in HTML.
  • HTML provides a variety of tags to structure and format content on web pages.
  • Exploring these tags is the first step toward building more complex and engaging web experiences.

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