Ever wondered how ancient Romans counted? Turns out, they didn't need boring numbers like us! Instead, they used a system of letters called Roman numerals, where each letter held a special value. Today, we'll unlock the secrets of this code and learn how to turn ordinary numbers into majestic Roman figures, fit for an emperor!
class RomanNumeral:
This class converts an integer to a roman numeral.
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
self.roman_numerals = {
1000: "M",
900: "CM",
500: "D",
400: "CD",
100: "C",
90: "XC",
50: "L",
40: "XL",
10: "X",
9: "IX",
5: "V",
4: "IV",
1: "I",
def to_roman(self):
Converts the integer to a roman numeral string.
roman_numeral = ""
for value, symbol in self.roman_numerals.items():
while self.num >= value:
roman_numeral += symbol
self.num -= value
return roman_numeral
# Example usage
roman_numeral = RomanNumeral(1999)
print(roman_numeral.to_roman()) # Output: MCMXCIX
This Python code builds a class called RomanNumeral
that can turn regular numbers like 123 into fancy Roman numbers like CXXIII. Here's how it works:
1. Toolbox:
- The
dictionary is like a toolbox, where each item is a pair of tools: one is a Roman numeral symbol (like "M" for 1000) and the other is its integer value (like 1000).
2. Breaking down the number:
- Imagine you have 1999 cookies.
takes this number and starts looking for the biggest tool it can use.
3. Using the biggest tool:
- It sees the "M" tool (1000) fits 1999 cookies twice, so it adds "MM" to the answer and subtracts 2000 cookies (2 x 1000) from the remaining cookies. Now, we're left with 99 cookies.
4. Repeating for smaller tools:
keeps going through the toolbox, finding the biggest tool that fits the remaining cookies. It uses "XC" (90) once, then "IX" (9) once, and so on, until all the cookies are used up.
5. Putting it all together:
- In the end,
joins all the used symbols ("MM", "XC", "IX") to get the final Roman numeral: MCMXCIX.
So, that's how this code turns plain numbers into fancy Roman numbers, one clever tool at a time!
From humble numbers to regal numerals, we've conquered the mysteries of Roman counting! Now, you too can impress your friends by writing numbers like a true citizen of the empire. So grab your stylus and parchment, and prepare to unleash your inner Roman number whiz!