Write A Python Function To Create And Return A New Dictionary From The Given Dictionary


Dictionaries are a fundamental data structure in Python, used to store collections of key-value pairs. They are versatile and widely used in various programming tasks, from data manipulation to configuration management.

One common operation involving dictionaries is creating a new dictionary from an existing one. This can be done for various purposes, such as filtering specific key-value pairs, extracting specific values, or transforming the data.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a function in Python that takes a dictionary as input and returns a new dictionary based on the given input dictionary. We'll discuss different approaches and techniques for achieving this task.


Function Definition and Basic Approach

To create a function that takes a dictionary as input and returns a new dictionary, we can define the function using the def keyword followed by the function name, parentheses, and parameter list. The parameter list should include the dictionary to be processed.

def create_new_dictionary(input_dict):
    # Function body to create and return a new dictionary

Inside the function body, we can use various methods to create and return a new dictionary based on the input dictionary. Let's explore some common approaches:


Approach 1: Filtering Key-Value Pairs

One approach is to filter the key-value pairs from the input dictionary based on a specific condition. For instance, we can create a new dictionary containing only key-value pairs where the keys start with a particular letter.

def filter_by_key_prefix(input_dict, prefix):
    new_dict = {key: value for key, value in input_dict.items() if key.startswith(prefix)}
    return new_dict

This function takes an input dictionary and a prefix string as parameters. It iterates through the input dictionary and creates a new dictionary containing only key-value pairs where the key starts with the specified prefix.


Approach 2: Extracting Specific Values

Another approach is to extract specific values from the input dictionary and store them in a new dictionary. For example, we can create a new dictionary containing only the even-valued keys from the input dictionary.

def extract_even_values(input_dict):
    new_dict = {key: value for key, value in input_dict.items() if value % 2 == 0}
    return new_dict

This function takes an input dictionary as a parameter. It iterates through the input dictionary and creates a new dictionary containing only key-value pairs where the value is an even number.


Approach 3: Transforming Data

We can also transform the data from the input dictionary before creating a new dictionary. For instance, we can create a new dictionary where the keys are doubled and the values are squared.

def transform_data(input_dict):
    new_dict = {2 * key: value * value for key, value in input_dict.items()}
    return new_dict

This function takes an input dictionary as a parameter. It iterates through the input dictionary and creates a new dictionary where the keys are doubled and the values are squared.



Creating a function to generate a new dictionary from a given dictionary is a versatile and useful technique in Python programming. By utilizing different approaches, we can filter, extract, and transform data to create new dictionaries tailored to specific requirements.

The examples provided in this blog post demonstrate the basic concepts and techniques for achieving this task. With practice and creativity, you can expand your repertoire of functions to handle various data manipulation tasks involving dictionaries.

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