Write A Python Function To Replace All Occurrences Of A Substring In A String


  • In the realm of Python, strings reign supreme when it comes to handling text.
  • But what if you need to rewrite specific words or phrases within a string? That's where the power of substring replacement steps in!
  • In this blog, we'll explore how to craft a Python function that seamlessly replaces all occurrences of a substring, opening doors to dynamic text manipulation.

Code Explanation

Here's the spell to transform your strings:

def replace_all(text, old_str, new_str):
  """Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string."""
  return text.replace(old_str, new_str)

Key Functions:

  • def replace_all(text, old_str, new_str):: Defines the function with its parameters.
  • text.replace(old_str, new_str): Calls the built-in replace method to perform the replacements.


Python code without built-in functions:

def replace_all_manual(text, old_str, new_str):
  """Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string without built-in functions."""
  new_text = ""
  i = 0
  while i < len(text):
    if text[i:i+len(old_str)] == old_str:
      new_text += new_str
      i += len(old_str)
      new_text += text[i]
      i += 1
  return new_text


  1. Initialize new_text: Creates an empty string to store the modified text.
  2. Iterate through text: Uses a while loop to traverse each character.
  3. Check for a match: Compares the current substring with old_str.
  4. If match found: Appends new_str to new_text and skips ahead to avoid redundant replacements.
  5. If no match: Appends the current character from text to new_text.
  6. Return new_text: Returns the final string with all replacements made.



Substring replacement has endless possibilities:

  • Text cleaning: Remove unwanted characters or words.
  • Formatting: Standardize text formatting for consistency.
  • Personalization: Insert user-specific details into templates.
  • Data anonymization: Protect sensitive information by replacing identifiers.
  • Censorship: Filter out inappropriate language.



Mastering substring replacement empowers you to:

  • Clean and transform text effortlessly.
  • Personalize messages and create dynamic content.
  • Ensure data privacy and compliance.
  • Enhance user experiences through tailored content.
  • Embrace the power of Python's text manipulation capabilities and create magic with strings!

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