Python Script To Block Websites

Blocking Websites with Python

The internet is a double-edged sword: a bottomless well of information and a notorious productivity black hole. Social media notifications flash, distracting ads beckon, and before you know it, hours have vanished down the rabbit hole of YouTube cat videos. Enter the Python script, your digital ally in reclaiming your focus and time.


Building Your Website Firewall:

Fear not, you don't need a cybersecurity degree to wield this scripting magic. Here's the gist:

  • Modifying the Hosts File: The hosts file maps website domains to IP addresses. By adding websites you wish to block to this file with their own loopback address (e.g.,, they become unreachable, effectively blocked.
  • Python to the Rescue: Our script reads your designated list of websites, opens the hosts file, and inserts the blocking entries. Bonus points for adding features like scheduled blocking or a password-protected unblocker.


Code Explained:

def block_websites(websites):
  with open("hosts", "r+") as file:
    contents =
    for website in websites:
      if website not in contents:
        file.write(f"\n127.0.0.1 {website}")

# Your list of unwanted distractions
distractions = ["", "", ""]


This script opens the hosts file, checks for your listed websites, and adds them if they're not already present. Simple yet effective.



Code for Windows Users:

While the core logic of blocking websites using the hosts file remains the same, Windows users need to consider the following adjustments:

1. Path to Hosts File:

hosts_path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts"  # Windows path

2. Administrator Privileges:

  • Run your script with administrator privileges to modify the hosts file.
  • Alternatively, create a scheduled task with elevated privileges to run the script automatically.

Here's the complete script for Windows users:

import os

def block_websites(websites):
  hosts_path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts"
  with open(hosts_path, "r+") as file:
    contents =
    for website in websites:
      if website not in contents:
        file.write(f"\n127.0.0.1 {website}")

# Your list of websites to block
distractions = ["", "", ""]

# Run with administrator privileges on Windows
if == "nt":
    os.system("runas /user:Administrator python")  # Replace with your script name
    print("Administrator privileges required. Please run the script with elevated permissions.")


  • Use this script responsibly and ethically.
  • Unblock websites when they are no longer needed to be restricted.
  • Consider alternative approaches like browser extensions or parental control software for more comprehensive website blocking solutions.


Python programs to unblock websites on Linux, explained in one line each:

1. Selective Unblocking:

# Removes specific website blocks from the hosts file, preserving others:
with open("/etc/hosts", "r") as file:
    lines = [line for line in file if not any(website in line for website in ["", ""])  # Adjust website list
    with open("/etc/hosts", "w") as file:

2. Complete Reset:

# Restores the hosts file to its original, unblocked state:
with open("/etc/hosts", "w") as file:
    file.write(" localhost\n")  # Default hosts file content

Important Notes:

  • Run with elevated privileges: Use sudo to execute these scripts as they modify system files.
  • Backup first: It's always recommended to create a backup of the /etc/hosts file before making changes.
  • Customization: Adjust the website lists and paths as needed for your specific environment.
  • Consider alternatives: For more advanced website management, explore browser extensions or dedicated software.



Applications and Considerations:

  • Time Management Champion: Tackle procrastination and improve focus by blocking unproductive websites during work hours.
  • Parental Control Ally: Help limit children's internet access by blocking inappropriate websites.
  • Know Your Limits: While website blocking can be helpful, remember it's just a tool. True self-regulation and responsible internet use are still essential.
  • Platform Adaptations: This script is specific to the hosts file method. For different platforms, research alternative blocking methods and adapt the script accordingly.




Python empowers you to take control of your digital environment. This website blocking script, used consciously and ethically, can become your ally in conquering procrastination and reclaiming your valuable time. Remember, focus is a superpower, and Python can be your wand to wield it. Now go forth and conquer those distractible websites!


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