Python Script To Get Ip Address From Hostname


In the area of networking, host names and IP addresses play crucial roles. Host names provide human-friendly names for devices on a network, while IP addresses serve as unique numerical identifiers for those devices. Python, with its versatility, offers a straightforward way to establish connections between these two concepts. Let's explore how to leverage Python's capabilities to retrieve IP addresses from given host names.


Code Breakdown

Here's a concise Python script that effectively fetches IP addresses:

import socket

def get_ip_address(hostname):
    """Retrieves the IP address associated with a hostname."""
        ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
        return ip_address
    except socket.error as err:
        print("Error: Unable to resolve hostname", err)
        return None

# Example usage
hostname = ""
ip_address = get_ip_address(hostname)

if ip_address:
    print("The IP address of", hostname, "is", ip_address)


  1. Import the socket module: This module provides access to network communication functionalities.
  2. Define the get_ip_address function:
    • Takes a hostname as input.
    • Uses socket.gethostbyname() to retrieve the corresponding IP address.
    • Handles potential errors using try-except blocks.
    • Returns the IP address if successful, otherwise returns None.
  3. Example usage:
    • Assigns a hostname to the variable.
    • Calls the get_ip_address function to obtain the IP address.
    • Prints the result if the IP address is found.



  • Network administration tasks: Identifying device IPs for troubleshooting, monitoring, and configuration.
  • Web development: Handling domain names and IP addresses in web applications.
  • Automation scripts: Performing network-related operations without manual intervention.
  • Security tools: Tracking network activity and identifying potential threats.



Python's socket module empowers you to easily retrieve IP addresses from hostnames, a fundamental skill in networking and programming. This simple script demonstrates the core concept and can be expanded upon for various use cases. Whether you're managing networks, developing web applications, or automating tasks, understanding this technique proves invaluable in a diverse range of computing domains.

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