Python Script To List Files In A Directory

Python, the File Explorer:

Our trusty library in this program is the os module, offering access to the operating system's hidden knowledge. With its simple commands, we can navigate folders and unveil their contents with ease.


Python Script:

import os

# Define the directory to explore (replace with your path)
directory = "/path/to/your/directory"

# List all files within the directory
files = os.listdir(directory)

# Print the list of files
for file in files:

Code Explanation:

  1. We import the os module for system access.
  2. We define the directory we wish to explore (adjust the path according to your needs).
  3. We use os.listdir(directory) to retrieve a list of all files and subdirectories within the chosen path.
  4. We loop through the list, printing each file name for clear exploration.



This script is just the first step in our directory-navigating journey. Python opens doors to further refinement:

  • Filter by file type: Add logic to only list specific extensions (e.g., .txt, .py).
  • List files recursively: Dive deeper into sub directories with functions like os.walk.
  • Sort the list: Organize files by name, size, or modification date for easier browsing.
  • Integrate with other tools: Combine file listing with data analysis, reporting, or automation workflows.


  • Adjust the directory path to match your desired location.
  • Be mindful of permissions when exploring system folders.



With a touch of code and a dash of curiosity, you can transform Python into your personal directory explorer. No more lost files, no more forgotten folders! Go forth, conquer the digital wilderness, and uncover the treasures hidden within your computer's depths. May your directory journeys be ever enlightening!

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