Python Script To Send WhatsApp Messages


In today's fast-paced world, automation is key to streamlining tasks and saving time. WhatsApp, with its massive user base, has become a crucial communication platform for businesses, individuals, and communities alike. Wouldn't it be amazing to harness the power of Python to automate WhatsApp messaging?

Thanks to the PyWhatKit library, sending WhatsApp messages with Python is a breeze. This blog will guide you through the process of setting up and using PyWhatKit to send instant and scheduled WhatsApp messages, opening a realm of possibilities for automation and communication.


Code Explanation

Installation: Begin by installing PyWhatKit using pip:

pip install pywhatkit


Import the Library: Import the PyWhatKit module in your Python script:

import pywhatkit as kit


Sending Instant Messages: To send a message immediately, use the sendwhatmsg_instantly() function:

phone_number = "+1234567890"  # Replace with recipient's phone number
message = "Hello from Python!"
kit.sendwhatmsg_instantly(phone_number, message)


Scheduling Messages: To schedule a message for a specific time, use the sendwhatmsg() function:

hour = 10  # Hour in 24-hour format
minute = 30
kit.sendwhatmsg(phone_number, message, hour, minute)


Key Points:

  • Ensure you're logged into WhatsApp Web on your computer.
  • Keep your phone connected to the internet during message sending.
  • Use country codes for phone numbers.



  • Reminders: Send yourself reminders for tasks, meetings, or events.
  • Wishes: Schedule birthday or festive greetings for loved ones.
  • Notifications: Send automated notifications for various events or alerts.
  • Marketing and Customer Engagement: Businesses can send automated promotional messages or engage with customers.



PyWhatKit empowers you to automate WhatsApp messaging, saving time and effort. Whether you're an individual managing personal tasks or a business streamlining communication, this library offers a simple yet powerful tool to enhance your WhatsApp experience. Explore its capabilities and create custom solutions to suit your unique needs!



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