Python Script To Set Environment Variable

Before we look into Python's code, let's first map the terrain. In essence, environment variables are named storage units for information accessed across your system. Imagine them as sticky notes plastered on virtual folders, reminding applications of crucial settings like database paths or API keys. These variables can be set globally for all applications or locally for specific programs.

Windows and Linux: Though both share the "environment variable" concept, their paths diverge slightly. Windows utilizes a graphical interface or command prompt, while Linux relies on shell scripts and configuration files. Fear not, intrepid explorer, we'll conquer both terrains!


Code for Setting Environment Variables in Python

Now, for the exciting part: harnessing the power of Python to manipulate these variables. Buckle up, as we explore two code snippets, one for each operating system:


import os

# Define the variable name and value
env_name = "MY_VARIABLE"
env_value = "12345"

# Set the environment variable
os.environ[env_name] = env_value

# Verify the change
print(f"Environment variable '{env_name}' set to: {os.environ[env_name]}")


import subprocess

# Define the variable name and value
env_name = "MY_VARIABLE"
env_value = "12345"

# Build the export command
command = f"export {env_name}={env_value}"

# Set the environment variable, shell=True)

# Verify the change
output =["printenv", env_name], capture_output=True)
print(f"Environment variable '{env_name}' set to: {output.stdout.decode().strip()}")

In both scripts, we first define the variable name and value. Then, the magic happens:

  • Windows: We utilize the os.environ dictionary, a dynamic storage accessible throughout your Python script. Simply assign the desired value to your chosen key (variable name).
  • Linux: We leverage the power of shell commands. We craft an export command with the variable name and value, then utilize the subprocess module to execute it, modifying the system's environment.

But wait, there's more! We also showcase verification steps to ensure your variable is truly set. Feel free to customize these scripts with your own variable names and values.



Now that we've mastered setting these variables, let's explore their practical applications:

  • Path Configuration: Imagine having to manually type out lengthy file paths every time you need a specific resource. By storing them as environment variables, you can access them with a single call, making your code cleaner and more efficient.
  • Secret Management: Sensitive information like API keys or database credentials should never be hard coded in your script. Instead, store them as environment variables and access them securely during runtime.
  • Dynamic Configurations: Need to tailor your script's behavior based on different environments (development, production etc.)? Use environment variables to define configuration switches, allowing you to adapt your code without rewriting it.
  • Application Customization: Many applications allow tweaking their behavior through environment variables. Set preferred language settings, logging levels, or resource allocation limits, all through the power of these versatile strings.

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are as vast as your imagination. Environment variables, tamed by Python scripts, become powerful tools for streamlining your workflow, securing your code, and customizing your digital world.



We've understood setting of environment variables, emerging with powerful Python scripts in hand. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use these tools wisely, keep your secrets safe, and unleash the creative potential hidden within those enigmatic strings. The possibilities are endless, so go forth, adventurer, and tame the digital jungle in your own unique way!

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