Python Script To Trigger Jenkins Job


In the area of continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), Jenkins stands as a powerful automation server. While Jenkins offers built-in features for scheduling and triggering jobs, sometimes we need more flexibility and control. That's where Python enters the stage, empowering us to orchestrate Jenkins jobs with custom scripts.


Harnessing the Power of Python

Python, with its renowned simplicity and extensive libraries, provides a seamless way to interact with Jenkins' API. Here's a breakdown of how to trigger a Jenkins job using Python:


1. Embracing the Jenkins Library

import jenkins

# Establish connection to Jenkins
jenkins_url = 'http://your_jenkins_server:8080'
username = 'your_username'
password = 'your_password'
server = jenkins.Jenkins(jenkins_url, username=username, password=password)

2. Targeting the Right Job

job_name = 'your_job_name'

3. Initiating the Build

print('Job triggered successfully!')


  • Import the jenkins library for interacting with Jenkins' API.
  • Create a Jenkins object, providing the server URL, username, and password.
  • Specify the name of the job to be triggered.
  • Invoke the build_job() method on the server object, passing the job name to initiate the build.


Expanding Applications

This simple yet effective technique unlocks a multitude of possibilities:

  • Scheduled Execution: Integrate with Python's scheduling modules like cron or schedule to automate job triggers at specific times or intervals.
  • Event-Driven Builds: React to events in your system or external services to initiate builds, fostering a responsive CI/CD pipeline.
  • Custom Workflows: Orchestrate complex build sequences involving multiple jobs and dependencies, streamlining your development processes.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Combine Jenkins job triggering with other Python-based tasks, such as data processing, testing, or deployment, for a comprehensive automation framework.



Python's versatility, combined with Jenkins' robust automation capabilities, forms a potent alliance for orchestrating CI/CD workflows. By incorporating Python scripts into your Jenkins toolkit, you can achieve exceptional levels of control and efficiency in your continuous integration and delivery processes. Embrace this powerful technique to propel your automation efforts forward!

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