write a python program to form a new string where the first character and the last character have been exchanged


Ready to flex those Python skills while shaking up some strings? Today, we'll embark on a journey to create a program that gracefully swaps the first and last characters of any given string. This simple yet engaging exercise will unveil the power of string manipulation and unlock potential applications you might not have considered. Buckle up, coding explorers!


Code Explanation:

1. Defining the Function:

def swap_first_last_char(str1):
  """Swaps the first and last characters of a string."""
  new_str = str1[-1:] + str1[1:-1] + str1[:1]  # String slicing magic
  return new_str

2. Breaking It Down:

  • str1[-1:]: Extracts the last character.
  • str1[1:-1]: Grabs the middle characters.
  • str1[:1]: Captures the first character.
  • Concatenation: Reassembles them in the desired order.



  • Data Cleaning: Prepare messy text data for analysis.
  • Encryption Basics: Introduce simple character-swapping techniques.
  • Text-Based Games: Create playful word puzzles and challenges.
  • Password Generators: Enhance password security with character shuffling.



While this program may seem straightforward, it's a stepping stone towards mastering string manipulation in Python. The possibilities are endless, from data wrangling to creative text generators. So, experiment, explore, and keep those characters dancing!

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