Write a program by declaring 10 variables and use all the mathematical operations

In this article we will be looking in to python program that declares 10 variables and use all the mathematical operations.

For Example: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Power Of X

#1 Python Program to declare 10 variables and use all the mathematical operations

number1 = 10
number2 = 66
number3 = 90
number4 = 2
number5 = 45
number6 = 78
number7 = 887
number8 = 76
number9 = 7698
number10 = 20

print("Addition of %d + %d is %d" % (number1, number2, number1 + number2))
print("Subtraction of %d - %d is %d" % (number3, number4, number3 - number4))
print("Multiplication of %d x %d is %d" % (number5, number6, number5 * number6))

print("Quotient of %d / %d is %f" % (number7, number8, number7 / number8))
print("Floor Division of %d // %d is %f" % (number7, number8, number7 // number8))
print("Reminder of %d / %d is %f" % (number7, number8, number7 % number8))

print("Exponential of %d raised to %d is %d" % (number9, number10, number9 ** number10))


> python main.py

Addition of 10 + 66 is 76
Subtraction of 90 - 2 is 88
Multiplication of 45 x 78 is 3510
Quotient of 887 / 76 is 11.671053
Floor Division of 887 / 76 is 11
Reminder of 887 / 76 is 51
Exponential of 7698 raised to 20 is 534020753437622317433008298196168934138641826879674347969538744275380995096576



Program in Image Format

In the above program I have declared 10 variables and assigned the random numbers. After assigning numbers I am trying addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, floor division, reminder and exponential.

Above program is classic example of python arithmetic operation.


Video Explanation



#2 - Python Program with added Negation

Lets work on same program by changing the variable names from number to variable, have added extra operation i.e, negation in below program.

variable1 = 10
variable2 = 66
variable3 = 90
variable4 = 2
variable5 = 45
variable6 = 78
variable7 = 887
variable8 = 76
variable9 = 7698
variable10 = 20

print("Negation of %d is %d" %(variable1, -variable1))
print("Addition of %d + %d is %d" %(variable1, variable2, variable1 + variable2))
print("Subtraction of %d - %d is %d" %(variable3, variable4, variable3 - variable4))
print("Multiplication of %d x %d is %d" %(variable5, variable6, variable5 * variable6))

print("Quotient of %d / %d is %f" %(variable7, variable8, variable7 / variable8))
print("Floor Division of %d // %d is %f" %(variable7, variable8, variable7 // variable8))
print("Reminder of %d / %d is %f" %(variable7, variable8, variable7 % variable8))

print("Exponential of %d raised to %d is %d" %(variable9, variable10, variable9 ** variable10))



Negation of 10 is -10
Addition of 10 + 66 is 76
Subtraction of 90 - 2 is 88
Multiplication of 45 x 78 is 3510
Quotient of 887 / 76 is 11.671053
Floor Division of 887 // 76 is 11
Reminder of 887 / 76 is 51
Exponential of 7698 raised to 20 is 534020753437622317433008298196168934138641826879674347969538744275380995096576



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