About Me

About Me Page


Hi, My name is Rizwan, I have 10 years of experience working in the Information and Technology Field. I believe in knowledge sharing because knowledge is free. I created this small blog to share solutions to the problems that are not solved / not present in most of the search engines.

About Me Code With TJ

I share topics on Python Programming, C / C++ Programming, Shell Scripting, Unix Solutions and Some General Topics. The articles are clearly explained about the problem, how I am going to solve it, logic that I will be using, complete code, output and finally conclusion.


You can use the search bar in the blog to search all the articles present in this blog. Also I have created pages that will list all the programs in one single page and provided links to each and every article in this blog. If you don't get any program after searching in the blog, you can refer to those pages.


If the program you are looking for is not present in the blog / any of the major search engines, the easiest way to reach me out is commenting on any of my articles / any of my YouTube Videos. Comment down and I shall take a look and we together can solve it.

This is my YouTube Channel Link

This is my Contact Page

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