Python Script To Login To Linux Server And Run Command


Remotely managing Linux servers is a common practice, but repetitive tasks like logging in and executing commands can consume valuable time. Fortunately, Python, with its SSH library Paramiko, offers a convenient solution to automate these processes. In this blog, we'll explore a script that seamlessly connects to a Linux server, issues a command, and retrieves the output, empowering you to streamline your server management tasks.


Code Explanation

1. Import Necessary Libraries:

import paramiko

This line imports the Paramiko library, which provides SSH functionality for Python.

2. Establish SSH Connection:

ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())  # Handle unknown host keys
ssh.connect(hostname="your_server_hostname", username="your_username", password="your_password")
  • These lines create an SSH client object, set a policy to automatically accept unknown host keys (for initial connections), and initiate the connection using your server credentials.

3. Execute Remote Command:

stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("your_command")
output =  # Capture command output
  • This section sends the specified command to the remote server, captures its output, and decodes it into a readable string.

4. Print Command Output:

  • This line displays the received command output, providing feedback on the execution result.

5. Close SSH Connection:

ssh.close()  # End the SSH session
  • This ensures proper disconnection from the server.



  • Remote Server Management: Automate file transfers, package installations, service management, and other administrative tasks.
  • System Monitoring: Collect server metrics, check logs, and trigger alerts based on predefined conditions.
  • Task Automation: Schedule regular backups, updates, or other maintenance tasks.
  • Remote Software Deployment: Deploy code or applications to multiple servers efficiently.



Python's ability to interact with remote servers via SSH empowers you to streamline server management, saving time and reducing manual efforts. By mastering this technique, you can automate a wide range of tasks, improving efficiency and optimizing your workflows.


  • Replace placeholders with your actual server details and command.
  • For enhanced security, consider using SSH keys instead of passwords.
  • Explore Paramiko's advanced features for file transfers, SFTP, and more complex interactions.
  • Always adhere to best practices for server security and configuration.

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