Python Script to Query Active Directory


In organizations that rely on Active Directory for user and resource management, the ability to interact with it programmatically can unlock a world of automation and efficiency. Python, with its versatile libraries, provides a powerful tool for querying and managing Active Directory data. In this blog, we'll delve into a Python script that demonstrates how to leverage the ldap3 library to connect to Active Directory and retrieve valuable information.



Code Explanation

1. Import Necessary Library:

import ldap3

This line imports the ldap3 library, which enables communication with LDAP servers, including Active Directory.

2. Establish LDAP Connection:

server = "your_domain_controller_name"  # Replace with your actual domain controller
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"

# Create an LDAP connection object
ldap_connection = ldap3.Connection(server, user=username, password=password)
ldap_connection.bind()  # Authenticate with the server
  • These lines specify the Active Directory server, bind credentials, and initiate the connection.

3. Construct LDAP Search Query:

search_base = "dc=your_domain,dc=com"  # Base DN for your Active Directory
search_filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=john.doe))"  # Filter to find a specific user

# Perform the search
search_results =, search_filter)
  • These lines define the search scope (base DN) and filter criteria, and execute the search against Active Directory.

4. Process Search Results:

for entry in search_results:
    print(entry["dn"])  # Print the distinguished name of each matching user
    for attribute, values in entry["attributes"].items():
        print(f"{attribute}: {values}")  # Print other user attributes
  • This code iterates through the search results, extracting and displaying relevant user information.

5. Close LDAP Connection:

ldap_connection.unbind()  # Close the connection
  • This step ensures proper disconnection from the server.



  • User Management: Automate user creation, modification, deletion, and password resets.
  • Group Management: Create, manage, and assign users to groups.
  • Data Synchronization: Integrate Active Directory data with other systems or databases.
  • Reporting and Auditing: Generate reports on user activity, group membership, and access permissions.
  • Security Automation: Enforce password policies, detect inactive accounts, and monitor for security anomalies.




Python's ability to interact with Active Directory through the ldap3 library empowers you to automate a wide range of user and resource management tasks, enhancing efficiency and security. By mastering this technique, you can streamline administrative workflows, improve data integrity, and optimize your IT infrastructure.


  • Replace placeholders with your specific domain controller, credentials, search base, and filter criteria.
  • Consider using LDAPS for secure connections.
  • Explore advanced ldap3 features for more complex interactions, such as modifying attributes and managing group memberships.
  • Always adhere to your organization's security policies and best practices when working with Active Directory.

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